You searched for "stapedius"

277 results found

How will our grandchildren view COVID-19?

Alan Johnson, known to our readers as the former President of ENT UK, gives us his thoughts on the COVID pandemic, looking at it through the lens of other health crises. As I write, COVID-19 is displacing almost all other...

Physician health and wellness amidst a global pandemic

Dr Westerberg attended a workshop on Physician Wellness hosted by Dr Osler a few years ago at our Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery meeting. The list of symptoms of stress and burnout resonated as typical of almost a...

Are we making progress on tinnitus?

One of the aspects of tinnitus that drew me into it becoming a major theme of my clinical and research work was how little work had been done when I began to see patients in the mid 1980s. This struck...

Building partnerships for person-centred care

The Ida Institute are a renowned organisation that develops tools, materials and resources to help hearing care professionals integrate person-centred care into clinical practice. Lise Lotte Bundesen has been at the helm of this organisation since its inception; in this...

In conversation with Jayne Fletcher-Brander

What is the process to bring music to a Deaf audience and does it enhance the experience of the hearing viewers? In this interview, Deaf SingSong performer, Jayne Fletcher-Brander takes us through the journey of bringing a signed musical performance...

Platinum-based chemotherapy, tinnitus and hearing loss

Fortunately, the five-year survival rate of adult cancers is increasing. However, we are seeing for the first time the lasting effects of cancer treatments on people. As more people live with the long-term effects of treatment, such as chemotherapy, it is imperative to understand the impact it has on quality of life.

ESPO 2020

Professor Wytske Fokkens and Professor Valerie Lund on behalf of the EPOS2020 steering group [1] EPOS2020 steering group at final meeting in Leiden, November 2019. In February this year, EPOS2020 was published as a supplement in Rhinology [1], the latest...

Genetic discovery using animal models: presbyacusis

By their very nature, late-onset hereditary disorders offer a large window of opportunity for therapeutic intervention. However, before we can begin to think about strategies we need knowledge of the genetics and pathology underlying the condition. In this article we...

Chronic rhinosinusitis management: back to the future?

Immunology is a dim and distant medical school memory to many ENT surgeons, but the increasingly complex immunology of chronic rhinosinusitis is fascinating (honestly!). Medical management options in CRS no longer just involves saline and steroids, and we need to...

Current considerations on neural development and hearing loss in young children

The young child’s brain has the ability to change in response to new stimuli, resulting in learning, the foundation of adaptive and intelligent behaviour. For children with hearing loss, a reduction or lack of auditory stimuli can have a ‘lifelong...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

Is one glass of wine on call safe?

It’s a standard question for those about to sit a Specialist Training (ST) interview; you are on call and you call a senior colleague in to perform an operation. You smell alcohol on the breath of the surgeon, so what...