This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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Laryngology: Otorhinolaryngology – head and neck surgery series

A comprehensive and up to date textbook covering both conventional and contemporary topics in laryngology, written by authors of international repute, within 345 pages. The 39 chapters are divided into eight sections working through basic knowledge, clinical assessment and diagnostics,...

A Dictionary of Hearing

This book is aimed at students and professionals working in the fields of otology and audiology. It would be suitable for audiologists, nurses and doctors, teachers of the deaf and speech and language therapists. The price is set at £36.99,...

Atlas of Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base Surgery

This surgical textbook has a target audience of otolaryngology consultants carrying out basic and advanced rhinological procedures. It is also suited to otolaryngology trainees and fellows. Although it would provide a useful reference text for otolaryngology consultants I found it...

Electronystagmography and Videonystagmography ENG / VNG

This book provides a good reference for anyone starting out in the field of balance assessment, and would be a useful book in any balance assessment clinic as a source of information from anatomy to test interpretation. Anatomy and physiology...

Practical Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery

The introduction describes this text as being useful for a wide readership including the medical student, physician assistant, nurse practitioner and physical therapist dealing with dizziness. I would be of the opinion as indicated in the preface that this is...

Auditory Electrophysiology

It is a delight to read a new publication in this area. The editors have focused on the most commonly currently used auditory electrophysiological tests and included discussion and information on their various uses. The price is typical of what...

Management of smell and taste disorders – A practical guide for clinicians

This textbook with 240 pages is well laid out, very well illustrated including colour photographs and has excellent summary boxes at the end of individual sections. Up to one fifth of adults have some form of olfactory dysfunction and as...