You searched for "candidacy"

248 results found

Paediatric auditory brainstem implant: overview and outcomes

Auditory brainstem implants were first used in adults with NF2. They have more recently become a technology option for children but what is the evidence to support this choice? This article discusses the evidence so far. Auditory brainstem implant is...

Quality of life after cochlear implantation in the older population

Cochlear implants (CI) have been increasingly adopted in older adults with severe to profound hearing loss as a result of the growing and ageing world population. There is much interest in the cost-effectiveness and quality of life in CI users....

ENT registrar national selection: how can we advise aspiring candidates?

With the aim of creating fair selection into the few available training numbers, ENT was one of the first surgical specialties to move to a national selection process for selecting new registrars in England. Since 2013 the selection process has...

Malignant transformation of leukoplakia in previous cancer patients

This is a retrospective study from Taiwan assessing risk factors in developing oral squamous cell carcinoma from surgically excised oral leukoplakia in patients with a previous oral cancer, the underlying thought being that patients with an oral carcinoma have a... A new online tool for counselling sessions, developed by Oticon Medical, is a newly launched online platform tailored to support healthcare professionals' counselling sessions and designed to guide candidates through the process of selecting a Bone Anchored Hearing System (BAHS).

Drug side-effects on audiological and vestibular testing

Are they a malingerer? Or perhaps they are inattentive? It may be their drugs! Robert DiSogra considers the side-effects of medication on the test subject. The audiogram serves many purposes in clinical practice. For the audiologist, it helps to differentiate...

Cochlear implantation in children with single-sided deafness: rationale and early findings

Cochlear Implantation (CI) in children with single-sided deafness (SSD) is a controversial treatment option. Profs Karen Gordon, Papsin and Cushing discuss the rationale and early findings on the relative success of achieving binaural hearing for SSD with CI. If you’d...

Advanced ENT Training - A guide to passing the FRCS (ORL-HNS) examination

Advanced ENT Training - A guide to passing the FRCS (ORL-HNS) examination is a book that really understands its readers. Trainees preparing for their exams are led through common viva topics in an engaging question-and-answer format. The book covers all...

Supporting music listening through cochlear implant services – experience from a UK adult clinic on supporting musical engagement

The perception and enjoyment of music is central to many people’s lives. Harriet Crook (herself a cochlear implant recipient) tells us about important work in this area for people using hearing aids and CIs. There is now a wealth of...

TSESI Scholarship: a dream come true for young otolaryngologists

The main objective of the Tarabichi-Stammberger Ear Sinus Institute (TSESI) is to help young otolaryngologists to develop a common learning platform, improve surgical skills and engage in research work. It is the shared observation of Dr Tarabichi and the late...

Cochlear implantation in immunosuppressed patients. Is it feasible?

The effectiveness of cochlear implantation has led to a relaxation of the candidate criteria. Patients who had been rejected in the past may now be accepted and their outcomes are encouraging. However, the acceptance of immunosuppressed patients as cochlear implant...

Women in Surgery: Lift as you climb

Report by: Maha Khan, ST5, Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust On the first rainy morning of autumn I made my way to the Royal College of General Practitioners, for the Royal College of Surgeons’ Women in Surgery section’s Lift As...