Whilst vestibular dysfunction is a known outcome of cochlear implant surgery, do we know the risk factors associated with this, particularly in children? In this article a team from University of Tokyo discuss their findings. Cochlear implantation (CI) is an...
Managing trauma in children often strikes terror in doctors who do not deal with children regularly. Kate Stephenson explains the approach to a child who has suffered ENT trauma and specific things to look for in children. ENT injuries are...
Few organs could be said to be more complex than the larynx when it comes to transplantation. Martin Birchall looks at past challenges, current issues and future prospects. I am not clear exactly why I chose to spend a life...
Giacomo Puccini, one of the best known composers of all time, was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and died from the disease in 1924. In this article, Rosario Marchese-Ragona and Alessandro Martini describe Puccini’s experience of the disease with quotes from...
The techniques for delivering drugs to the inner ear system are evolving. Jeffrey Harris considers the myths, the facts and the potential for drug delivery innovations and how they can improve tomorrow’s hearing outcomes. The inner ear’s delicate membranous structure,...
After uvulopalatoplasty, the tendency is to focus on the tongue base as the next anatomical area to address in the management of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing. In this article, Glen Burgess describes the technique of tongue channelling, to reduce the...
Ossicular reconstruction often yields disappointing results, even for the most experienced and skilled of otologists. John Dornhoffer and David Walker explain that the most important determinant of outcome is the patient’s middle ear environment, and offer some valuable words of...
When The Chocolate Line in Bruges, Belgium, was approached by the charity, Shout at Cancer, there was always going to be something very special and innovative in the pipeline! Shout at Cancer’s Thomas Moors has been chatting with Julius Persoone,...
An initial glance at the table of contents and layout of Jean Abitbol’s book, The Power of the Voice, might lead one to assume that it is heavy on style but light on substance. A closer reading proves this to...
A fantastic overview of the various aspects of laryngology including clinical assessment and diagnoses, disorders of the larynx and basic anatomy and physiology. Each chapter is divided into short sub-sections making it easy to follow and access specific topics. Each...
This unique book was written based on the novel enquiry-based teaching method particularly to illustrate laryngology conditions. It contains both adult and paediatric pathology. Each chapter starts with one or more case scenarios along with other useful subheadings to explain...
Dr Peter Belafsky. Peter – tell us about your background I was born in Philadelphia and went on to study at Vassar College which is a small liberal arts school in upstate New York. I then attended Medical School in...