You searched for "meetings"

1577 results found

True Cut – a dramatic biopsy from the world of surgery

True Cut is a stage play that asks: “What happens when things go wrong in healthcare?” It brings the hidden world of the operating theatre onto the theatre stage. ENT surgeon, David Alderson, talks about how the play came about....

In conversation with Professor Eugene Myers: My life in ENT

In a series of interviews, former Chairman of the Editorial Board for ENT & audiology news, Professor Patrick J Bradley, speaks with eminent otolaryngologists who have retired (or are about to retire) from practice. Our first is with Professor Gene...

In conversation with Alan Gibb

Esteemed ENT surgeon Alan Gibb is held in high regard for his achievements in ORL, academia and teaching. In this article he shares his memories of a life devoted to ENT and medicine with ENT and Audiology News Trainee Matters...

AAO-HNSF 'Call for Science' Deadline

The ‘Call for Science’ deadline for the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNSF) Annual Meeting is quickly approaching. Click here to link to the submission site and information on guidelines for submission. Please note that the Annual Meeting...

IFOS 2021: imagining inspirational continuing professional development

If you expect a virtual presentation to be the same as an in-person presentation, just without the live person in front of you, then you have no imagination. Irrespective of the challenges facing us currently with meeting in person during...

In conversation with Professor John Fenton

John Fenton, Republic of Ireland, has recently been appointed President of the Union Européene Des Médicins Spécialistes (UEMS) ORL or European Union of Medical Specialists ORL Section. We caught up with him to find out a little more about his...

Anxiety and acronyms – musings of an otolaryngologist

Personal protective equipment (PPE) has been a focus of attention and concern for healthcare workers around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neil Tolley discusses some of the issues. I write this article in mid-May when, were it not for...

Industry interaction with the ENT speciality

I was enormously grateful for the chance to articulate my personal thoughts on ‘the industry interaction with the ENT clinical community’. To set a context, the term ‘industry’ refers to medical technology manufacturers and suppliers, in addition to pharmaceutical companies....

The use of THRIVE in laryngology and phonosurgery

The team in Lewisham has been using THRIVE for our phonosurgical cases for about a year. Here, we discuss the pros, cons and potential pitfalls of setting up and using THRIVE as ventilation during anaesthesia rather than using an ML...

Embracing the changes prompted by lockdown

March 2020 introduced the concept of lockdown to audiology services in the NHS, prompting a rethink of how to best provide hearing care. In this issue, we hear from Hanna Jeffery, a Clinical Scientist working at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital...

In conversation with Ricard Simo

Ricard Simo is a Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital. He is also Vice-President of the European Laryngological Society and is the Audit and Governance Lead for the ENT-UK Head and Neck Society. Our editor,...

Integrating technology into audiological rehabilitation programmes

In the future, the rehabilitation of adults with hearing loss is likely to involve modern information technology. Using the Internet in the audiological rehabilitation process might be a cost-effective way to include additional rehabilitation components by guiding hearing aid users...