You searched for "parathyroid"

82 results found

Surgery for hypopharyngeal obstruction causing OSA

Surgical treatments for OSA are evolving with improved diagnostic accuracy of the level(s) involved. Where the collapsing segment lies below the soft palate, a variety of surgical techniques to correct the affected segment(s) are emerging. This article concentrates on one...

In conversation with Shusheng Gong and Shahed Quraishi on ENT Masterclass<sup>®</sup> China

ENT Masterclass® China was a landmark event that brought an international training resource to Beijing. Profs Shusheng Gong and Shahed Quraishi discuss the organisation of this event, the training pathway in China, and the setup of a typical ENT academic...

Across the pond: a tale of two fellowships

Where in the world is Halifax? Many outside of Canada have never heard of the Maritime Canadian town of Halifax. Before leaving to start a year-long fellowship there, we both had to answer many questions from family and friends about...

Thyroid cancer – the last decade

Professor Ashok Shaha describes the evolution in the treatment of thyroid cancer that he has witnessed over the last decade and the invaluable progress made by himself and others, from their contributions to staging systems and guidelines. Nuances and paradigm...

Young Consultant Otolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons at BACO 2015: symposium on the future of ENT

What does the future hold for ENT surgeons in the UK? Leaders of our specialty aim to provide insight based on current guidance and personal experience. The programme will be of interest to anyone wishing to gain an insight into...

Otology training in low- and middle-income countries: a view from within

It is recognised that hearing loss and ear disease are far more common in less affluent parts of the world, and that those countries are often least able to provide treatment; so how can we prioritise care for these patients?...

Thyroid dysfunction and Meniere’s disease: is there a relationship?

The set of symptoms described as Meniere’s disease may have several causative factors. Timothy Hain and Patthida Maroongroge look for a relationship in the literature between Meniere’s disease and hypothyroidism. Meniere’s disease (MD) affects around two in 1000 people and...

COSM 2019 (Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings)

Continue on for the full reports from the individual societies at COSM by Sujana Chandrasekhar, Keith G Trimble, Greg Randolph and Maura Cosetti. COSMReport by Sujana Chandrasekhar, ENT & Allergy Associates, New York, NY, USA There are two major US...

What I look for at a conference (and why you should go to BACO 2023)

Professor Claire Hopkins has attended more than her fair share of international meetings, and she shares her top tips. COVID has changed the face of medical education forever – who would have thought only a few years ago that we...

New curricula: trainees’ and trainers’ thoughts

After the disruption to training and clinical practice from COVID, it is interesting and perhaps encouraging that plans are in place to support ENT training in both mainland Europe and the UK with new formal curricula. We hear trainees’ and...

The role, aims and organisation of the 2017 IFOS World Congress

IFOS is a truly international organisation – indeed, its rules state that the Executive Committee must have representation from every continent. IFOS President, Chong Sun Kim, tells us more. Dear friends and colleagues, I am very pleased to welcome all...