You searched for "counselling"

748 results found

VITASPARK - a career counselling service with a difference!

Focusing on the needs of today’s surgical trainees, Vitaspark has been created and curated by Aishan Patil, a Scottish surgical SpR, ably assisted by his colleague, Soorya Siva (orthopaedic SpR).

Adult hearing screenings has counselling opportunities

Adult hearing screening has its challenges, particularly time constraints. Because the process itself is brief, we could efficiently screen dozens of adults per hour; at events such as health fairs, it’s tempting to march people through screenings as quickly as... A new online tool for counselling sessions, developed by Oticon Medical, is a newly launched online platform tailored to support healthcare professionals' counselling sessions and designed to guide candidates through the process of selecting a Bone Anchored Hearing System (BAHS).

Talking to the animals

People with communication difficulties have an increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders. This often means that speech and language therapists must actively engage in counselling as part of their intervention. It is not surprising, therefore, that the active components...

Coblation tongue channelling

After uvulopalatoplasty, the tendency is to focus on the tongue base as the next anatomical area to address in the management of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing. In this article, Glen Burgess describes the technique of tongue channelling, to reduce the...

Audiologists’ perspectives on their ability to address hearing, social and emotional adult patient needs

Authors suggest there is little evidence that hearing technology addresses patients’ emotional concerns related to their lived experience of hearing and communication difficulty. The study explores the notion of audiologic counselling and discusses the role of audiologists in supporting the...

Tinnitus in children

This is a review article about the management of tinnitus in children. In the end the authors came up with just three papers that made the grade. Maybe the most interesting finding was from Vianni in the JLO in 1989....

Complications associated with microlaryngoscopy surgery

Microlaryngoscopy procedures are often considered to be routine procedures at the straightforward end of the ENT operative spectrum. Complications associated with this surgery are thought to be infrequent and primarily related to the possibility of dental trauma and adverse voice...

A person-centred approach to telehealth

“The time when telehealth was a remote, abstract concept has come to an end”. Deborah Ferrari and Lise Lotte Bundesen discuss how to advance person-centred care in hearing rehabilitation through online tools and training. The time when telehealth was a...

The potential benefits of having supervision in clinical practice

Marie Wardle is the Programme Director of the Interpersonal Therapy department in the West Midlands, UK and part of her role is to deliver supervision training courses for therapists in the region. Therapists, whether supporting patients with psychological or physical...

Corticosteroid prescribing in ENT - are we at risk of being sued?

Of medications leading to malpractice claims, corticosteroids comprise the third most common. They are used widely and have a significant side-effect profile: hypertension, lipodystrophy, diabetes, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, peptic ulceration and psychiatric reactions to name but a...

Lyric 24/7 hearing: could it help those with tinnitus?

About Lyric Hearing Since its launch in 2008, Lyric represents the first and only device of its kind establishing a new category of hearing solution: 24/7 extended wear. Lyric is placed several millimetres within the ear canal, near the tympanic...