You searched for "microscope"

366 results found

2020 Unmasked: Hidden strengths and vulnerabilities laid bare - By Joseph Sinnott

Masks were everywhere in 2020. The most visible to stop the spread of COVID-19 but others concealed soon-to-be revealed strengths and weaknesses. In April 2020, the UK Prime Minister was taken to intensive care suffering with this new and frightening...

Developing medical devices for children: opportunities and challenges

The development of medical devices for infants and children lags significantly behind the development of devices for adults. While in the United States the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set up incentives for developing child age-specific pharmaceuticals, there is...

Hidden genetic disorders in children that may present to the otolaryngologist

Background Among the many hundreds of children presenting to the otolaryngology clinic are a few whose symptoms are due to an underlying genetic condition. In most cases the underlying syndrome is obvious and has already been diagnosed, such as the...

Recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis: What to do next?

Whilst the majority of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) will significantly improve with treatment, we are sometimes left with a ‘hard-core’ of nasal cripples who fail to improve despite our best efforts. How can we deal with these patients? Valerie...

Development and review of a blended service in response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has required healthcare services globally to show both resilience and ingenuity in redesigning services to meet the ever-changing needs of our patients. We hear about the redevelopment of clinical pathways within an hearing implant service, and the...

Grason-Stadler Releases GSI Cloud

Grason-Stadler, a worldwide leader of clinical audiometric systems, is pleased to announce the release of GSI Cloud™, a secure, cloud-based data management system.

Microgravity: an extreme environment for otolith organs

Motion sickness in a car can be upsetting for all involved. Transferring this concept into a tiny cabin bound for space could have devastating consequences. Are the processes involved in ‘space motion sickness’ the same as motion sickness? How do...

What does functional neuroimaging tell us about tinnitus?

One of the most common causes of tinnitus is noise exposure, be that either cumulative day-to-day exposure over a lifetime or experience of acute noise trauma such as a loud concert or shooting incident. Observational data indicate that up to...

Patient-led wax and aural foreign body removal technology – is it safe?

As ENT and audiology professionals, wax impaction and aural foreign bodies are common presentations to our clinic that can cause significant distress to patients and can preclude diagnostic testing such as pure tone audiograms and tympanometry. We often advise patients...


For the deaf and hard-of-hearing, communication over the telephone can range anywhere from challenging to downright impossible. While many people who are hearing impaired are able to converse over the phone with the help of hearing aids, those who cannot...

Communication in the age of universal masking: speech-to-text apps to the rescue

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we interact with patients. At this point, it is almost hard to remember a time when we didn’t have to wear masks during clinical encounters. Though...

Migration and training: a British-Nigerian surgeon’s perspective

Less than 4% of doctors on the UK’s medical register describe their ethnicity as African or part African, yet there are myriad driving forces behind the migration of medical trainees from Africa to the UK and other developed countries. Ekpemi...